Potato Pie with Meat

Potato Pie with Meat

Ingredients for 4 servings:
200 g mushrooms
1 carrot
on 1 pod of yellow and red
Salad pepper, 1 onion
2 table. tablespoons vegetable oil
500 g mixed minced meat
3 table. tablespoons of tomato paste
4 desk. Spoon cream
2 table. tablespoons mustard
hydrochloric, ground black pepper
400 g potatoes
2 eggs,
250 grams of butter
3 table. spoon almond plates
150 g grated cheese

How to Prepare:

Preparation time: 25 minutes
Cooking time: 45 minutes

Wipe mushrooms with a damp, cloth and cut into slices, carrots cleaned. Wash peppers and remove the seeds, along with the carrots, cut into cubes. Onions clean and finely chop.

Vegetable oil warm in a large frying pan and fry it until the meat minced toast. Add the onion, mushrooms, carrots and peppers. Simmer for 5 minutes. Then, mix with tomato paste, cream and mustard. Season with salt, pepper and paprika.

Heated to 200 ° C. Potato Fel clean, wash and cut into thin circles. In a greased form layers potatoes and minced meat.

The eggs are mixed with yogurt and pour over the potatoes with meat. Almond mix with grated cheese and sprinkle on top. Put on 45-60 minutes in the oven.

Cake bake 30 minutes. At the request of the finished cake can be lubricated to heating fifth jam.