How to Prepare a Salad of Cabbage for the winter.

salad of red cabbage
Before Europe brought potatoes and other root vegetables, cabbage was one of the most common vegetables on the table of our ancestors. Homeland cabbage is Mediterranean, after this vegetable has been domesticated, began his triumphal march around the world. Meals were served with cabbage in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome and Greece, there is no country in Europe, in the kitchen that did not have dishes of cabbage.

Our ancestors knew that cabbage is very useful and is not only good cooking, but also healing properties, so it is so appreciated. Cabbage contains a lot of vitamins B , C , carotene , fiber, folic acid, salts of calcium and potassium , sugar , fats, and more. Cabbage leaf known agent for the treatment of rheumatic pains, its constant use relieves insomnia, improves digestion, improves mood. Cabbage has antiseptic properties.

According to the content of vegetable proteins, it is the leader among the majority of vegetables. Fresh cabbage juice literally raises to his feet sick people, so it is recommended to use the cabbage constantly.

Strange but true - sauerkraut for its beneficial qualities ahead of fresh cabbage. The fact is that during the fermentation process takes place, which preserves all the vitamins found in fresh foods, and in addition to that formed during the fermentation of vitamin B12, which is only found in algae. Lactic acid improves and stabilizes the activity of the intestine. Therefore, all nutritionists recommend constantly eating cabbage in fresh or pickled form.
And we will share a few recipes, how to keep this product in the winter to fill with it the missing vitamins in the winter.

Sauerkraut is one of the most common ways to get a delicious and healthy product for the winter.

Cabbage - 1 pc.
Carrots - 1 pc.
Sol - 2 h. L.
Sugar - 2 h. L.

Shred the cabbage into thin strips, carrots grate. Mix the cabbage and carrots in a large bowl, add salt. For Sauerkraut best coarse salt. All mix well and add sugar. Mixing vegetables, you can squeeze a bit of their hands to form a juice.

If your taste salt and sugar enough, you can increase their number.
Prepared vegetables piled in a clean jar, tightly tamping. Bank covered with gauze and leave to ferment. The optimum temperature for this is 20-23 degrees.

Banks need to put in a deep container, as the cabbage will be allocated, and to drain the juice.
The next day, with a wooden stick or a fork to pierce the contents of the banks should be to the bottom in several places, so the gas will come from the cabbage.

Sauerkraut takes an average of three days, after that, it should cover and put into the refrigerator to enjoy its taste and a set of vitamins throughout the winter.